Education Future

a message for every year of college

I don’t feel old until I remember I’m 21 . . .

And I’m graduating from college in a week.

I have some super exciting news about my future plans that I hope to share with you guys soon, but until then I’d like to share a message for every year of college. This is a message I wish I could tell Past Amanda . . . and YOU! I’d love to hear what you would tell your past self, btw . . . drop it in the comments!

Each year has a spiritual suggestion first and then a practical suggestion.

I played soccer for my college during my freshman year of college. Those memories are some of my most bittersweet! I miss it so much!


Make your faith your own. Everything is new, shiny, and exciting. But life gets hard from here on out. You have more freedom, more responsibility, more things that are your own and not shared with your parents or family. So it’s time to make your faith your own. This is what will get you through college; this is what will prep you for life. When you’re doubting your major, “looking forward” to another all nighter, or crying from a rough break-up, your faith is what will keep you from quitting. I honestly think making your faith your own is what sets the kids apart from the adults.

Learn as many names as possible. Write them down in your phone, as well as birthday and favorites and family members. Love people as much as you can; not everyone has to be your best friend. Having acquaintances that you always smile at is just as important.

This was taken during our second annual family trip to Colorado. This is a moment I most look forward to every year now!


God will never leave you or forsake you. I was told that junior year would be the hardest, but compared to sophomore year my junior year was a breeze. It isn’t like this for everyone, and this has a lot to do with my personal school load, but remembering that God is with you (even in seemingly unimportant times like a test or going to an afternoon class) is KEY. It makes life so much more doable.

Don’t sign up for too much. You can always add later. As a doer (and an avoider of pain and conflict), I had to learn this the hard way. Mental health is important! Don’t drown out hard things with activities, events, or leadership roles. I would also suggest you don’t skimp, though. Get involved while leaving room for yourself to breathe.

I wore a super sparkly dress to artist series during my junior year. It was such an eccentric, bold dress.


God is light. This was huge for me when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. That was such a dark time in my life, but over and over again God reminded me that with Him there is NO darkness. Everything is for my good and His glory. So if your darkness is financial, health, family, or something else, I’d encourage you to meditate on how God being light can change your point of view. Our 2021 March/April magazine is going to focus on this topic (sign up for a notification of its release here)!! Very excited for that.

Doing devotions daily? Great. Now add prayer! Just doing devotions is like a one-way conversation. Getting to the point where I do devotions daily was a HUGE turning point in my life. It totally changed my relationship with God and who I am as a person. But what is the use of it if I’m not communicating with God in return? Prayer is such a blessing, something that not all believers have had the honor of being allowed to engage in. My Pray Journal has really helped my prayer life, and I’d love for you to be blessed with it too!


God is all I need; He is better than all else. We all often live our lives in a “God Plus” frame of mind. We sing the songs, claiming God is our all . . . but deep down, we know that there’s still something we’re searching for. We want God plus a secure job. God plus money for college. God plus a husband. Life is learning to love God and solely God, even if we have nothing else to our name. And that is powerful.

Live in the moment. Don’t wish for tomorrow, because tomorrow you’ll wish for yesterday. We’ve all heard of Senior Syndrome. We’ve been at school for four years, dealt with the demanding teachers, turned in difficult group projects, slaved away until three in the morning studying for tests . . . and now we’re just done. Like seriously. D-O-N-E. But still make friends, go to events, enjoy every moment (even the ones that are less than exciting). Because in just a few months, you’ll be tossed into the workforce and a whole new normal will begin.

Every year of my college experience I faced a new challenge. From health problems to cancer diagnosis to rejection to body image issues, it hasn’t been a perfect or beautiful ride. But I know that God has been with me through it all, and it’s perfect according to His plan. He was with me in college, and He will be with me after. I’m so excited to journey into my adulthood with Him by my side and I pray the spiritual lessons I learned in college never leave my mind.

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Acacia Mitchell
4 years ago

Love this Amanda! Such a good reminder- especially that God is all we need. What a powerflu concept.

Eve Parnell
Eve Parnell
4 years ago

Great wisdom! I’ll take this to heart for when I start college next year <3