Let your peace overwhelm
My sinking heart;
Let it wash over my head,
Through my brain;
Relax me from all the
What if’s,
And I can’t’s.
Let it open my ears to hear You
Promising You’ll never leave me
Nor forsake me.
Let it wipe away my tears—
Open my eyes to
Your Word,
Your plan,
Your goodness;
Let it fill my lips with praise for you.
Let it rush through my arms,
My hands,
So they lift up to You
Asking You for help.
Let it forgive
The scars of
Worries and fears and hurt
And lack of trust.
Let it heal my broken, earthly body.
Let it relax every muscle of my being,
Unlock my legs,
Give my feet
Strength to carry me to new horizons.
Your peace fills me
With inexplicable acceptance.
Suddenly everything is okay,
Even though nothing has changed.
You are faithful,
I am not—
But I thank you regardless.
Love this <3