Hi there! I’m Amanda Brown.
I’m a 20-ish-year-old professional graphic designer, somehow turned editor and designer of a magazine.
I love reading Emily Dickinson, watching crime shows, and have fully given in to the whole minimalist trend. #unashamed
We exist to celebrate just how much we are loved by the King of the Universe (hence the name) but also to remember that we are not loved because we are worthy in and of ourselves. God chose us because of His character, not ours.
In all our material we want to remind you that God loves you and because of that our highest calling in life is to love Him by bringing Him glory.

a blog & podcast
Enjoy a weekly podcast and blog that is all about the real and hard things of life. Amanda tackles topics from depression to growing in your prayer life, making friends to growing during new chapters of life.

Bible resources
Our free library includes tons of cute printables and e-books on topics like depression, broken hearts, being still, and more.
a magazine
Our readers call us aesthetic, beautiful, and encouraging . . . and we’d have to agree. We’ve published issues every other month from February of 2012 to 2022. We focused on reaching the hearts of girls ages 14-24. We strive to be real and fresh. Although the magazine is not being published anymore, we have most of the issues up online for free.
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a mailing list
Our mailing list not only alerts you to new blog posts, but you also get our best free printables, Bible studies, challenges, and more, all to help you grow in your walk with Christ.


Then she worked at a camp over the summer. Over those amazing weeks, God spoke to her in such clear ways Amanda couldn’t help but be revived with the joy of how God could use such a tiny clay jar as her. He had given her a love for words, both written and verbal. He had providentially brought her to learn graphic design at the age of 12.
Amanda realized she could use these talents for His glory, and she already had the platform to do it.

Amanda started Oh Beloved One under a different, much harder to spell name: South Kakalaki Girl (SKGfun for short). Long story short, never allow a 12-year-old spelling master to name anything.
As Amanda grew up, her blog grew with her. In 2018, she wondered seriously what her Project’s future would be.
Surely she couldn’t end it? But the vision was growing dim, her passion failing.
Because of that, she decided to change SKGfun’s name. Almost as soon as she decided on that, the name came to mind: “Oh Beloved One.”
The word beloved is found throughout the Bible. It’s used by God when He speaks to His people and it just encompasses our identity in Him. It is also used in Colossians 3:12-17). We are called “the elect of God, holy and BELOVED.”
Another inspiration came in the form of a story her friend Hannah told her while at camp. “Whenever my friend messed up,” Hannah said, her eyes lighting up, “she’d tell me she’d just imagine God in Heaven smiling, sighing, and saying: ‘Oh beloved.'”