Hey everyone! I’m Olivia, a writer for Oh Beloved One, and I am so excited to be premiering the book I will be reviewing for this month’s Oh Beloved One book club. The book will be Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot. To start off, I’ll give you a little insight as to the topic of this book.

“Shadow of the Almighty is one of the greatest missionary stories of modern times. It is the life and testament of Jim Elliot as told by Elliot’s widow, author and evangelist Elisabeth Elliot Gren.
Shadow of the Almighty is the true account of Elliot’s martyrdom, along with four fellow missionaries, at the hands of Ecuador’s Huaorani Indians. About this important and enlightening book, Eugenia Price writes, “It proves that Jesus Christ will bring bright creativity out of any shadow which might fall across any life and any love.”
A story that has inspired Christian readers for more than half a century, it poignantly recounts a tragic event that was presented from Huaorani perspective in the 2006 feature motion picture End of the Spear.” (Amazon summary)

Why I Chose This Book:
I decided to review this book for several reasons. I am not sure about you, but I can often have trouble finishing books I start, and thus I’ll have a pile of books that I want to read but don’t always have the time or motivation to.
That’s one reason why I chose this book. I’ve wanted to read it, and I thought this would be good opportunity to force myself to read it. (Sometimes you just need those pushes!)
Branching off from that reason, the story of Jim Elliot is one that is so captivating, encouraging, inspiring, yet saddening, all at the same time. In addition, to have the story told by Elisabeth Elliot, his widow, is impactful as well as informative.
Where I Found This Book:
My sister, a big Elisabeth Elliot fan, officially introduced me to this book!
My Expectations:
I am fully expecting this to be an excellent book. I have never had anything less from Elisabeth Elliot.
Aside from its quality, I am looking forward to the storytelling aspect part of it, Elizabeth’s perspective, and learning more about Jim Elliot, his ministry, life and death.
I can’t wait to share this with you all! Stay tuned for my full review that will be happening later on this month and keep up with Oh Beloved One for other exciting things that are happening with the magazine!
P.S. If you’re interested, Revive Our Hearts released a beautiful podcast series interviewing the daughter of Jim and Elizabeth Elliot. It’s very cool to hear the story from her perspective!