keep scrolling if

Keep scrolling if You want to see what others have that you don’t Keep scrolling if You just want to forget your own pain Keep scrolling if You’re just hoping a certain someone takes the one second to like your latest picture Keep scrolling if You’re content with living in an aesthetically pleasing group of …

weight a second

i’m writing to the girl who wants to give up. to the girl who’s just opened up this blog post, maybe almost mindlessly. there’s always going to be difficulties. yours isn’t any less important than others. you shy away from mirrors, wear baggy clothes, and don’t stand tall anymore because you don’t like what you …

5 steps to beating burnout

Burnout is a real thing. Especially during the middle of the semester. I’m writing this post because I’m in the midst of a burnout right now. The last magazine really drained me (not in a bad way . . . but in a this-is-a-TON-of-work-and-I’ve-used-up-all-of-my-allotted-creativity-for-this-month kinda drain). Regarding burnout, Saturdays are especially bad for me because …