is being angry a sin?

I’m not naturally driven to anger. Disappointment, yes. Sadness, yes. But anger? Not usually. However, since starting to become more aware of current events, I definitely am becoming more acquainted with anger. I don’t enjoy being angry: I don’t like feeling out of control, fists clenched, fire on the inside. But there is a type …

a FREE devotional study about being still [exodus 14:14]

A couple weeks ago, I posted about my word for the year: still. I didn’t want to just choose a word for the year because, A.) I’m tired of making New Years Resolutions just because everyone else does and B.) I’m tired of feeling like I need to choose a word of the year because …

What is Grace?

Car conversations are the bestest. While on a car trip to who knows where, my sister Rachel posed a question: “What exactly is grace?” It’s one of those words where we kind of have a general idea of what it is, but the details are kind of fuzzy. It’s also one of those “Christian” words you throw into …