Every time I send out a new edition of our e-magazine, I get a thrill. I’ve done this for six years (almost seven!!!) and clicking that “send” button still hasn’t lost its magic.
Thanks to our photographer, Leah’s, amazing photography, the whole issue really came together. I was inspired by the images and every page was *pretty much* effortless (still took five+ hours but!).
– what you’ll find in this edition –
- tips on encouraging friends during the school year
- how to choose your major/school/LIFE PATH!!! ack so stressful
- when you thought you knew what you wanted to do but then it all falls apart
- how to make devos a PRIORITY!!
- the key to persevering through the hard times
- how you can change someone’s life
- tips on getting through those thirty pages of reading
- using your talents to God’s glory
- next issue’s theme reveal
– note from the editor (me hehe) –
As I sit at school, editing this magazine in the spare moments I have, I found I forgot what the theme was. How ironic.
I’ve always enjoyed school. I love a good challenge, and education is just that. Now, I won’t tell you I love it when I have three tests in two days or a pile of assignments and an eight-hour work shift ahead of me (then again, who would?).
But there’s something about previous summers that bugged me. Lounging around the house? Making up things to do? That’s not me. So, figuring out how I’m going to get everything done by tomorrow? That’s more my speed.
In this season, it’s easy to forget God. There’s always more homework to do; more reading to complete; more tests to study for. Those precious extra moments you have could be filled with a nap, an extracurricular, a club to add to your resumé, or literally just staring at a wall and telling yourself you’re going to survive. But where does God fit into this? Do devotions, prayer, and encouraging friends have a place in your busy schedule?
I’m challenging myself just as much as I’m challenging you guys. So often I see friends and I say, “We should catch up!” But then December rolls around and—whoops!—oh well. Next semester.
Make those “should’s” and those “want to’s” into “will’s” and “I did’s.” Forget the somedays. Someday has come. Someday is here. Someday is today.
It would please me THIS MUCH if you let me know what you think about this issue in the comments below!!
Favorite articles? Pictures? Suggestions for next time?
P.S. Just launched a new Instagram account!! If you’re looking for an inspiring account to follow that encourages you to dress your best so you feel confident and happy, check out @TheGirlWhoWoreYellow.