
finding your why

When things start taking a toll on us, maybe it's time to ask: why are you doing what you're doing? And why does it mean so much to you? Learn more at ohbelovedone.com.

It’s really important to ask yourself why you do what you do.

(Not why you order caramel cloud macchiatos at Starbucks every time)

(Though this too is an important question)

My latest why has been why I blog. Is it because I simply like hearing typing my own voice bits of pixel-based type forms?

Naw, it’s because I’ve always loved writing. This girl has a lot of words inside of her and other people might as well read them, right?

It’s so easy nowadays to start a blog. Everyone thinks all they have to do is hit “publish” on WordPress.

(They’re right.)

I find so many vacant blogs online. The fact that we’ve been blogging for seven years is nothing to sneeze at, amiright?

So, dear person, whoever you are.

Maybe you need to hear this because you write too and feel like no one else is listening. It isn’t about the millions of people on your email list. It’s about the one girl who reads your post and gets teary eyed because now she knows she isn’t alone.

Or maybe you just need to find your why. If life’s got you dragging, take a look at what you’re doing and ask yourself why.

This isn’t a call to give up, but rather a call to give out.

Instead of counting how many comments you can get, give out so much love and content knowing you may not get anything back.

If you’re trying to get into that college but it’s stressing you out to the point you’re moody, ask yourself if it’s really worth it.

When you find your why, everything makes sense. You’ll find that little bit of encouragement, just the amount you need to keep going.

I blog because I’m taking weekly, actionable steps to keep my writing fresh and growing.

I started Oh Beloved One to give girls an outlet to share their outlet for writing and, later, to encourage the brokenhearted girls who need to be reminded that they’re beloved.

Why do you do what you do?

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