Behind the Scenes Devotions News

Grow Magazine Just Released!

Get your hands on a copy of our first issue of 2020! Called GROW, this issue is all about the what and why of devotions. Read for free online or order a copy for $10 at

Christmas is nearly upon us, which is a ton of excitement as it is . . . but on top of that, our Grow magazine issue was released! We’re so pumped.

Get your hands on a copy of our first issue of 2020! Called GROW, this issue is all about the what and why of devotions. Read for free online or order a copy for $10 at


my fave layout

Get your hands on a copy of our first issue of 2020! Called GROW, this issue is all about the what and why of devotions. Read for free online or order a copy for $10 at

Honestly, probably the layout for “Where Two Are Gathered” was my favorite for the Grow magazine because I did the illustrations myself. I’ve never thought of myself as an illustrator; however, recently I wanted to add this to my artistic tool belt so I got to mess around with it. These were super fun to make and I LOVE the result.

my fave article

Well, first off, Jo’s article is simply hilarious. But I also loved Emily’s article because recently I’ve been very aware of how I’m just doing way too much and need to stop, breath, and listen. Listen to God, listen to others, even listen to myself.

behind the scenes

  • Well, after a really good run, we had to say goodbye to our photographer Leah (she’s been doing our photography since 2016 I believe) and welcome Rebekah. So far I’m THRILLED with Rebekah’s photos!! The cover photo is hers.
  • We changed the layout of our journaling sections and gave you a cleaner space for application. There’s also more questions!
  • I’m in love with Lisa’s artwork. Just stunned. No more words.
  • I’ve been using highlighters for my own devotions since summer of 2018. Changed. My. Life.

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Hanne T
5 years ago

This is such a beautiful edition!!! I love it so much, and if I was able to afford it, I’d have bought a print copy of it, not just because of how absolutely gorgeous it is, but also because of how much truth is in it! It’s a perfect start to 2020 and I’m bookmarking it to read again! <3