I wrote this post a year ago right before I moved to California but didn’t post because it was a very vulnerable moment in my life. Now I’d like to share that story because it brings such glory to God!
Yes, you read that title right!
Here’s the lowdown: I’m moving from my lifelong home of SC all the way to California.
Most people move to California to chase fame and fortune (at least, that’s the stereotype). That’s why I want to explain my reasons for moving . . . because my reason is anything but success-driven.
how God moved in my life
I always figured I would stay in my small town, get a cozy job, have a cute apartment, and live a comfortable life.
I literally have a list in my notebook of my favorite in-town activities that I’ve been dreaming of doing as an adult: reading a book at a coffee shop after work, going biking with friends on the weekends, and going rock climbing.

it all started on a whim . . .
A month-and-a-half ago, I applied for a job on a whim. It was for a nonprofit that educates people about American values, history, and patriotism. I told my dad about it, jokingly, because he was familiar with the organization.
But the place wrote me back.
The HR lady asked if I would be willing to move to California. My heart dropped, but then I chuckled to myself. Absolutely NOT, I thought. My parents will be totally against this and where I live is the total opposite of California.
But my parents were for it. I wrote the lady back, but had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Over the next few days, my attitude plummeted. I felt sick and numb. I also was “haunted” by California, haha. No joke! I listened to two podcasts two days in a row and both of the hosts talked about how they lived in California.
“There’s NO WAY I’m moving to California,” I kept thinking. “It’s too . . . uncomfortable. I don’t know anyone there. I’m very non-confrontational, and my values are the total opposite of those in that state. I don’t agree with a lot of the things they’re doing. I’ve was homeschooled until college and have lived in the same house for over ten years.”

the breakthrough
But then, God broke in. “You always claim you would do anything for me, right? So then why, when I ask you to move to California—not China or Africa—but California . . . why do you refuse?”
I was so humbled, guys. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so quiet on Oh Beloved One. All this year, I’d been putting off this persona of being really holy, really in tune with God’s will, really sanctified . . . and yet when the test came, I failed.
As soon as I yielded to the idea of going to California as being God’s will, I felt infinitely better. The idea didn’t make me nauseous; I wasn’t aggressive or defensive when people broached the subject.
I was yielded.

the followthrough
When I actually was offered the job, I can’t say I was 100% shocked. I felt God so clearly calling me out of my comfort zone; I had a feeling this would be His tool. And I want to clarify something: living in your comfort zone isn’t always bad. I believe that, no matter where we are, God can still teach us and make us uncomfortable. But, for me, I just knew this was right.
When God “wrecked my plans” two years ago, He clearly told me that my life wasn’t going to be the “beautiful,” picket-fence dream. It was going to be messy and maybe lonely, but it would be worth it. And I still hold to that promise today.
Choosing California was my Romans 12:1. Here were two choices. Staying in SC wouldn’t necessarily be bad; in fact, I would be working for a Christian organization. But, deep down, I knew it wasn’t best. Being alone in California with people who don’t agree with me gives God a lot more room to show Himself strong.
I kept thinking of Abraham going to Ur. God told Abraham to pack up and leave, and Abraham did just that even though he didn’t even get details about the destination. In one sense, I do know where I’m going . . . but I don’t know it. I have an address, a longitude and latitude, and a pieced-together rendition based on a lot of larger-than-life movies. But beyond that? I’m headed into the unknown.
But, if I’ve learned anything throughout my young adult life, it’s that the unknown is where I finally lay aside my pride and self-reliance and let God do His great work. Being in His will is better than anything I want, including friends and coffee dates and smooth sailing.
I’ve lived as a light among lights, here in my adorable, conservative, Christian-infused hometown. God has really been teaching me what it means that He is light . . . and now He’s calling me to be light too.

the harvest (an update NOW, a year later, January 2021)
I am blessed beyond belief.
I have made so many friends, people I never would’ve known. I’ve been able to attend John MacArthur’s church. I got the opportunity to read Genesis for the with a girl who’d never read Genesis before; I took a girl to her first Easter service. My desk is littered with quotes about my faith, and I get to daily be a light.
I’m not perfect, of course, and neither is life. But it is such a sweet gift to look over the past 365 days and say with Abraham that God gives good things when His people move in faith (whether literally or symbolically).
When God calls, let your answer be “Here I am.” He will do great things with you!