I served at my church’s VBS last week (Vacation Bible School). In case you aren’t familiar with the concept, many churches around the country take a week every summer to offer free day camp for parents to drop their kids off at. There’s usually an overarching theme, complete with matching crafts the kids can bring home, skits and games to enjoy, and of course my favorite as a child: a snack. ooooooh
This is my first time serving at this church, and I SO enjoyed it! I helped with crafts (of course, I’m basic I know). They had their system figured out so well. Everything operated so smoothly, and I got three tables of various grade ranges throughout the day before taking off my craft apron and heading to work.
Quick Tips for Serving at VBS:
ONE // Wear comfortable shoes . . . and clothes you don’t mind messing up.
Legend has it the kids made tie dye shirts and candles last summer and well, many clothes met their end. I definitely tempted fate by wearing some clothes I did NOT want to get paint markers on, but thankfully I came out on the other side with minimal damage. BE YE WARNED.
TWO // Wear items that encourage conversation.
One girl I served with wore lightsaber earrings and used them as a conversation starter to get the kids talking. Sixth grade boys can be especially shy; I felt like an alien in their midst haha. But once they realize you can hold a discussion about the wonders of How To Train Your Dragon, you’ll be their hero until the end of time.
THREE // Match their energy.
If you need a double espresso, DO IT. These kids have crazy levels of energy, and they’ll have so much more fun if you can hype them up for the day.
FOUR // Listen and take an interest.
When I served at a camp a couple summers ago, I was amazed at how powerful it was for these kids to have an adult listen to them. So many kids are coming from broken families nowadays. Even if they’re saying absolute nonsense, just listen. Ask them how their day was or what their favorite activity has been so far. It’s also great for them to learn how to converse with adults. Life skill unlocked.