I felt really convicted about how I’ve been starting my days lately. A typical Gen-Zer, I typically hit snoozed three or four times before finally dragging my eyes open to check all my latest phone notifications.
Who liked my reel yesterday? Who texted me this morning? What reminders have popped up on my phone?
So, I decided I’d meditate on a short verse before starting my day. I chose Psalm 19:14 because it really spoke to me last Sunday.
Let me be honest: I actually failed almost every single day. The idea was to meditate on the verse FIRST before doing anything else, but I FORGOT. I would remember while doing my makeup, while on my way to work, or even AT work.
So here’s the thing: you won’t be perfect. But take a stab at these new practices. Because one day it’ll be embedded into your life because you showed up.
Here’s what I learned from meditating on Psalm 19:4 for a week.
What stood out to me today: “meditate”
We’re all meditating on something, always thinking. So WHAT are we meditating on?
Use the Ephesians 4 model to put off thinking about worthless things, renew your mind with Scripture, then put on meditating on God’s Word.
What do we need in order to do that? Make sure that we’re in His Word and memorizing Scripture so we have something to meditate on during the day.
What stood out to me today: “Let”
Implies being allowed. We don’t even have the capability to let the meditation of our hearts be pleasing and acceptable unto God.
Even our ability to worship Him and give Him glory properly is dependent on Him.
What stood out to me today: “Meditation” (yes, thinking about this again haha”
The meditations of your heart have a direct link to what the words you say will be. If we meditate on things that are good and pleasing and righteous, that means the things we talk about will also be worthy.
If you want to know who you are, just look at what you think and talk about. It’s so rebuking!
Sometimes I wish we could see how much time is spent on each topic we think about in our brains. I think we would be shocked at how little we think about God! It’s been on my heart to bring God into my day more often.
What you talk about is also a good marker of what you aren’t ashamed of.
What stood out to me today: “Acceptable”
If we handed in an essay and our teacher said, “That’s acceptable,” that would actually be a diss haha. In our modern-day English, “acceptable” basically means “okayish but could’ve been better and I’m frowning internally but also externally.”
But what the Bible means here is more along the lines of Romans 12. It’s more like what pleases God. Google says “acceptable” can mean “suitable.” These are suitable for the people of God to be meditating on and saying.
God is righteous, so He has a bar that is wayyyyy above us, so we need to make sure we’re meeting His standards!
What stood out to me today: “in your sight”
Who are we hoping our thoughts and words are acceptable in the sight of? Psalm 19:14 is a good reminder that GOD is whom we should be doing everything for.
Is it for your reputation, for a person, or is it because you love God?
I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. Sharing what I was learning on Oh Beloved One’s Instagram Story also helped me to stay accountable, and also condense and remember what I had learned for the day.
If you’d like to follow my journey, make sure you’re following us @ohbelovedone on Instagram! I’m going to be continuing my meditation this week. Just have to choose a verse for my next seven days!
*I just realized I only did 5 days instead of 7, oh well. It was a work week I guess…