Make a mental list of everything you think makes up the perfect life (no Sunday School answers here! We know it’s supposed to be God, but let’s get deep).
Now, consider this: even if you had everything on that list, you still wouldn’t be happy!! At least permanently. I can guarantee it! Ya know why? Solomon tried it.
Listen to this episode of the podcast below, and keep scrolling for the Spark notes.
What Solomon tried:
- Making things (Great works)
- Building things (houses, pools)
- Collecting things (herds, flocks, slaves)
- Growing things (vineyards, trees)
- Buying things (money)
- Being entertained by things (singers, concubines)
- Becoming things (great, wise, surpassing all that had gone before him)
Neither the process of gaining the thing nor the thing itself satisfied.

Here’s the thing: if you were to wake up tomorrow with everything you thought you wanted . . . I can GUARANTEE that your happiness wouldn’t last. Because the thing is, we can lose everything we have.
True joy is found in God because He can NEVER be taken from us. He doesn’t wilt or die, He can’t be flattened or crushed . . . He will never walk out on us.
Life is frustrating and unfair and sometimes we feel so small, but don’t let that lie take root. Because during your lifetime, God used you to touch souls. And He touched YOU. He changed YOU.
Nothing done for God is tossed aside. God uses every little gift you offer Him.