Every day, I feel like the world is getting a little darker. It gives me comfort to know that Christians of all eras have been aware of this darkness, and God has given them the power they need to overcome in His name.
Perhaps you, like me, need a little encouragement right now. Let’s go to Luke 24, where Jesus has a couple of timeless messages for his disciples and us.
Jesus Says
ONE / “Peace to you!” (Luke 24:36)
Let’s set the scene real quick: Jesus died just three days ago, and His disciples are left confused and hopeless. Now, Jesus body has disappeared and rumors that the disciples stole His body are running rampant.
Jesus has appeared to the disciples! You would think they would be excited at the appearance of their master and friend. But no. Their reaction is fear.
Isn’t that like us? Too many times, we see God’s presence and working in our lives and it causes fear. As humans, we don’t like the unknown. When God “breaks the rules” (whether those rules are literal, or just our own expectations of what should happen) we often resort to fear . . . which is simply distrust.

TWO / “Why are you troubled?” (Luke 24:38)
Additionally, why are we filled with anxiety? Why does our soul stir within us, full of turmoil, restless?
THREE / “Why do doubts arise?” (Luke 24:38)
Why do we doubt that God is in control and His plans are best? We see Him moving and, instead of being excited to see how God grows us, we question everything we know about our God. Can He really get us through this valley? Can He really overcome our hurt?
Does He even love us?
FOUR / “See my hands and my feet…” (Luke 24:39)
AKA…look at the evidence!
We must look to the Bible and the lives of others to remind us of what God is capable of and who He is. Two of the most life-changing things I ever did to grow in my walk with God were to start a Miracle Journal (where I write down things God has done in my life, large or small) and a Who God Is binder (I read through the Psalms and wrote down attributes and examples from verses of each attribute). It helped me to have solid evidence that God is merciful, loving, and has a plan for me . . . even when my brain and heart don’t want to believe.
FIVE / “Touch me and see…” (Luke 24:39)
This touches on the previous point a little bit, where I mentioned my Miracle Journal. God gives us trials so we can experience Him more intimately. In the heat of the fire, when things don’t feel so good, yet you can still cry out that you believe God is good, that grows you unlike anything else. You feel His presence. You know Him on a deeper level than you knew you could.
It’s important to have personal experiences of God’s working in your life to reflect on when new trials come up. Because if He was faithful before, He will be faithful again.
We React
In this passage, the disciples are filled with amazement because of joy. This is what comes from a life full of Jesus’ peace; a life void of anxious, unbelieving hearts; and a life that is intimately trusting of God because of a deep head and heart knowledge of who God is.
Jesus Offers Even More
To finish out the passage, Jesus has two gifts for the disciples:
ONE / He opens their minds to understand (45).
Seek and ye shall find, right? If we seek God by praying, going to church, and reading the Bible, He will come near with the knowledge of Himself. He is a God close at hand (Jeremiah 23:23).
TWO / He has given us the Holy Spirit (49).
In this passage, Jesus is promising a Helper (the Holy Spirit). But, praise God, we already have access to the Holy Spirit immediately upon salvation! If you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, you have access to the Holy Spirit who acts as a conscience and is the active indwelling of God Himself inside of us.
How can we be afraid of the world when we have such Good News?! I pray this was encouraging to you, beloved. I needed this too!