Forgiveness Word Study

no. 8 | we steal & don’t even know it

We steal things all the time and don't even know it. Moments, time, glory? Identities? Learn more at

This is a part of the Command blog series where we’re talking about how the Ten Commandments aren’t just a dusty set of tablets with dumb rules . . . by a long shot!

Google definition of steal: To take (another person’s property) without permission or legal right without intending to return it.

I remember picking up the petals on the floor of Hobby Lobby. I didn’t know it was stealing; I was six, it was on the floor, and I assumed no one else wanted it. What a STEAL!

I must’ve known after a while, however, I’d done something wrong, because I shoved the petals in a drawer as if hiding them. I was discovered and, oh how disappointing: I had to let go of my pithy little petals.

More Than Fake Florals

Stealing comes in many different flavors when you’re an adult (and none of those involve chocolate . . . unless you’re stealing a Hersheys semi). A couple weeks ago, I looked through the ten commandments and my eyes rested on this one about stealing. I felt utterly guilty; I can’t remember the exact circumstances, but I had been planning on “forgetting” to pay someone for something because I was just buying it out of duty.

That? Yeah, that’s stealing. Perhaps a roundabout way, but stealing nonetheless.

What about that guy you like and are getting way too close to? What if you’re stealing moments between him and his future wife? What if he’s stealing those moments from you? What if he’s actually dating already and you’re getting involved behind the girl’s back? Stealing.

Do you often “borrow” clothes from your sister or mom? Honestly, when it comes to family, we have to widen that internet definition of stealing. It’s so easy to go in their closets and take a dress without asking. It’s one thing if you’ve talked about this rotating wardrobe set-up and they’ve okayed it, but I’ve heard countless stories about sisters stealing each other’s clothes and it causes a lot of strife.

Okay, here’s a good one: downloading pirated e-books, movies, music, or even sheet music. Yeah, I hear about this all the time at school, usually paired with a lot of chuckles and respectful nods in the direction of the guilty party.

Okay, here’s a scary one: how often do we steal from God? When we’ve won an award and take all the glory for ourselves . . . we’re “glory thieves.” When we overlook the importance of tithing (“Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In your tithes and contributions.” Malachi 3:8). When we go to church and just sit there in the pew, never serving or giving of ourselves.

Every day is a gift from God. Are we stealing time from God by skipping our devotions, living for ourselves, turning our mind off and watching Netflix?

Wow, This Is Heavy!!

Wow, I could keep going, but I feel like you’re getting the idea. And this could turn into a walk of shame. By now, you can probably pinpoint areas in your life in which you’re stealing. I’m going to end this post prematurely, if only so you can take some time to find the applications in your own life.

But before we go, one more thought . . .

Consider the verse “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber” (John 10:1). Have you ever truly been saved by the blood of Jesus? Those who try to use another route or claim to be a Child of God but aren’t truly saved live as perpetual robbers; they “steal past” God’s way of salvation (in reality, no one can get “past” the gates of salvation without salvation through Jesus). I truly hope that you are saved! If you don’t know what that means or how to get saved, here’s a sneak peek at a new addition to our magazine: the What Is Salvation? page. It will be in the back of every magazine from here on out.


  • No. 1: I am an idol worshiper
  • No. 2: Worshiping what I’ve done
  • No. 3: 3 ways we take God’s name in vain
  • No. 4: What you need to know about the Sabbath (this one has turned out to be quite controversial . . . we have some good discussion going on!)
  • No. 5: Why honoring your parents is more than putting your laundry away
  • No. 6: Thou shalt not murder . . . or dislike??
  • No. 7: How single people commit adultery

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5 years ago

Hey, I was wondering what you meant by “stealing moments” from a guy and his future wife. What, I guess, do you mean by “moments”? Thanks so much!

5 years ago
Reply to  Amanda Brown

Thanks so much for the clarification! Great job on the article!