At the beginning of the summer, my mom challenged me to pray for something I desperately wanted. Something which seemed bold and almost impossible.
My mind is constantly crammed with pieces of songs, poetry, and glitter, so it’s hard for me to remember to pray . . . even though I want to.
I had the idea to create an accountability chart but didn’t get around to it until I got back home from camp. I thought you guys would enjoy the chart!
What do you need to see happen? What Red Sea does God need to part? This chart is a helpful tool to remind you to pray to our big God for big things.
There are two colors schemes too: green/yellow and blue/pink. Choose which one you fancy.

The chart suggests passages/verses one day and then attributes/deeds of God that you can praise Him for in your prayer. Every fifth day there’s another special item you can do, whether that’s sharing your prayer request in Sunday School or writing the prayer down.
In fact, to help you with the chart, I also created an aid to go alongside it.

Keep in mind, these are just suggestions to help encourage and guide you in your prayer. Feel free to praise God for different attributes or read different passage. You may even want to start a study on prayer . . . especially if you’re praying for something BIG. How did people in the Bible pray BIG prayers? How did God answer BIG requests?
Let me know how it goes . . . & if this helps!
I can’t wait to start using these charts!! I definitely struggle with praying consistently; it’s so easy to just skip it, but I know it’s so important!
To be totally honest, I haven’t even printed mine out yet but I’ve already been consistently praying for my request lol.
Another suggestion I forgot was to buy a bracelet (something cute like a hand woven one or one made of leather) and appoint it as your prayer bracelet. Always wear it and, whenever you look at it, hopefully you’ll be reminded to pray.
That’s a really good idea!!
this post is exactly what I needed; perfect timing for a crisis i’m going thru rn. God is using you in amazing ways
keep up the good work hun <3
Aw so sorry about the crisis, but what a blessing God used me as an instrument to encourage you. I’ll keep you in my prayers (just said one as I’m typing this).