Is there more to church than just showing up on time every Sunday? Is it better to speak or to listen? Ecclesiastes 5 answers these questions and speaks on many different topics, and Amanda is here this week to walk you through this passage. We chat about how money can’t satisfy, yet is given to …
if you had everything (ecclesiastes 2)
Make a mental list of everything you think makes up the perfect life (no Sunday School answers here! We know it’s supposed to be God, but let’s get deep). Now, consider this: even if you had everything on that list, you still wouldn’t be happy!! At least permanently. I can guarantee it! Ya know why? …
why nothing satisfies you
I’ve been reading through Ecclesiastes over the past month and BOY has God been using it in my life!! Ecclesiastes is like Proverbs (makes sense because they’re both written by Solomon) but from a little bit more depressed point of view. And yet I love the rawness of it. It reminds us that, nope, Bible …