School started a couple weeks ago, and I’m in a biblical counseling class. My teacher said something that really got me started thinking: “There’s no one way of conducting psychotherapy that works for everyone, everywhere. If there were, all the psychologists would be using it and no one would have mental illness.”
This struck me because, the morning before, I had been reading through the Beatitudes and verse 6 captured my attention.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

I’m a visionary, which means I’m always hungering and thirsting after something. When my present is boring or painful or just unsatisfying, I look to the future. Using worksheets and colorful notes in cutesy notebooks, I plan my way to a better future, one that won’t fail me.
But, come on. We all know that these plans are still bound to fail in some way. Because the fact of the matter is nothing can satisfy us. And this verse sums that up so well. I couldn’t help but ask myself, what am I really thirsting after? Ultimately, the one answer to my problems.
The one workout routine. (But if someone had found a routine that works for everyone everywhere, wouldn’t we all know about it? There’s a reason there’s a plethora of diet and workout ideas)
The one health answer. (I’ve been diagnosed with an iodine deficiency by one holistic doctor, PCOS by another doctor, and the internet suggests I have IBS or Leaky Gut. The answers have ranged from pills to cilantro tablets to plant-based diets with bone broth, collagen peptides, and kombucha.)
The one cancer treatment option. (Everyone had a different opinion as to where my mom should be treated; what order everything should go in; what her diet should look like; whether or not she should exercise; and options for surgery. Over and over again we’re told that each cancer case is different.)

There’s a reason there are multiple answers to each of these . . . and why none of them satisfy.
They may “work.” One day, I may find out what’s going on with my health. But even if I do, that can’t give lasting satisfaction.
The thing is, life is a free printable.
A complimentary course. It’s that freebie you download that claims massive amounts of information . . . but ends up just being a repeat of everything on the already-free blog or YouTube channel. It’s just a gateway to that $800 masterclass.
Heaven is the masterclass. Salvation is the masterclass. Disgruntled by the pathetic free printable, we search for a larger wealth of knowledge. This comes with a price but is infinitely more applicable and eye-opening.

The thing is, there is a big, overwhelming answer to all these questions of life. It’s not a worksheet or a five-step process. It’s one word that changes everything, one word that gives us hope and the tools to use critical thinking.
The answer? You know it’s coming. It’s Jesus.
We thirst after health, beauty, safety, and comfort. The answer to all of these is in Jesus’ name. His presence in our lives changes our answer and approach to everything.
No, there’s not a “Jesus method” to a workout. But, with Jesus as my Savior, I realize that ultimately results from a workout are from Him. My goal in working out shouldn’t be to punish myself or hate on my body, but to take good care of the temple He’s given me.
There is a subtle One in the many. As we compare options, debate over answers, something in our heart sings that there must be something more. How do we know who to trust? How do we know which way to go, which path to follow?
The answer? Choosing to let Jesus be your life filter. Choosing The Answer that will lead you to other future answers to practical, everyday problems.
So let’s be people thirsting after righteousness that satisfies . . . not the free printables of a fallen world.