We had Pray Day last week, beloved ones, and this week we’re doing Devo Day! (P.S. When I say devo, I’m referring to devotions, or intentionally planned time with God involving His Word; I didn’t used to know what this word was!)
You can do Devotions Day any day, of course but this Wednesday (May 13) I’ll post prompts on our Instagram story according to the worksheet below.
I must admit something. I tried to have my Devo Day (today, the day I’m writing this) and . . . well, I wouldn’t say I failed. But I only got through one worksheet.
But if you can only get through one worksheet, that’s totally fine because change can still happen. I spent 2-3 hours in the Word and that is just . . . WOW.
God is so good to bring beauty from this weird time we’re living in.
Usually I’d be at work or just OUT but, yeah, there’s kind of this crazy pandemic going on so we’re all stuck at home Everything, Everything style.
So, I want to challenge you to have a Devo Day. Try for all day with little breaks in between, or be like me and dedicate the morning. God won’t look down on you for that.
And, as always, Amanda has the printables. Never fear!

Devo Day Printable
This printable has specific actions to take during allotted times of the day. It includes prayer, passages to read, prompts to use the Ephesians 4 Change worksheet, and breaks.
Ephesians 4 Change worksheet
This is POWERFUL. You know why? Because, unlike the Devo Day worksheet, none of the content on this worksheet is from me.
This worksheet takes you through biblical change via the Ephesians 4 model of put off sin, renew your mind with Scripture, and put on a godly lifestyle and heart. I “tested this out” on my own Devo Day and, yes: it was exhausting. But SO good.
At the end, I felt like I better understood what God was looking for from me, where I was lacking spiritually, and what action steps I needed to commit to.