My mind is full of gold sparkles and olive wreath crowns as I’m hurrying scurrying to get this issue put together. Of course, school has picked up the pace a few notches *just* as I started getting all the articles and artwork in but, hey: are you really living if you aren’t staying up until two at night?
In preparation for the release, here’s a small interview with the girl on the cover. Julia Findley is our longest-writing contributor. I believe she joined the magazine after the first few issues of its advent and she’s been writing ever since.

1. Most interesting memory of OBO the early years?
I remember when the original idea was to print a single copy of the magazine and pass it around . . .
Oh, and of course who could forget our lovely owl mascot, Ollie? (Amanda’s note: Ollie was my first real graphic design creation. He also looked like a penguin . . .)
2. Favorite quote about victory?
The harder the battle the sweeter the victory.

3. Number one cheerleader?
My friend Alli cheers me on even when it feels like I’ve done nothing.
4. How do you celebrate victories?
I praise God and thank Him for His grace.
Thanks so much to Julia for the interview and being on our cover!!
One last goodie before you leave: check out our Victory mood board (bc if you’re like me, you love love love behind the scenes stuff!!)

What articles are you hoping to see in this issue? Do you have the PURPOSE issue on your shelf? List some recent victories and we’ll help you celebrate. 
*Etsy Beloved Bundles are currently on preorder and begin shipping at least two weeks after the official magazine release day. Single issues begin shipping on release day (orders are fulfilled by our printer, Blurb, so shipping times vary). For more information, write us on Instagram @oh.beloved.one