This post is kind of ironic.
It’s been swirling around in my head for a while. I was going to write this epic post about my own journey through health problems; the battle I had when I discovered I needed to go on a gluten-free (carb-free, yummy-free, party-free) diet.
How, because my mom was also on a gluten-free diet, I could empathize with her. We’d drink coffee—black, since she’s also dairy-free now—as we watched the boys eat pizza and cheese sticks.
Then my mom was diagnosed with cancer.

It was like God was pressing the “zoom out” button and my problems seemed infinitesimal.
We’ve all heard the stats, seen the commercials, read the posters. But when the evil “C word” comes into your family—your immediate family—when it slithers, uninvited, into your own home . . . it’s a whole different ball game.
This semester, I’ll fight for good grades. My mom will fight for her life.
I’ll struggle to lose five pounds. She’ll lose ten.
I’ll walk to yet another class. She’ll walk through yet another set of doors, with another set of doctors, and go through another set of treatments.
In a way, it still doesn’t feel real. I don’t think it will until I see her, my life’s hero, after chemo. I don’t know what I’ll do then.
All I know is that it was about time for another trial. All I know is that I want to be found faithful. All I know is that I believe God is good, all the time. Dios es Bueno siempre.

So . . . health tips?
- Be grateful if you are healthy. And maybe, if you aren’t, consider that there may be people worse off. My gut has felt terrible for a while and I became very salty about that when, honestly, there’s a ton of people (probably you) going through things way worse.
- Prayer is a powerful weapon. Start praying even in the “good times.” Imagine the shame of knocking on God’s door only when faced with health problems.
- Hug your parents. Your siblings. Your grandparents. Appreciate them.
- Be sympathetic in regards to peoples’ special diets. Don’t question why they aren’t getting a piece of bread or pizza. Don’t silently judge them because they’re eating a salad. They may not have a choice.
- Be vigilant. Know about the health problems in your church and community. Seek ways to bless those who have been ravaged by one of the many arms of our sin-cursed world: disease.
Amanda, this is well written as are all of your blogs. As a cancer survivor at this time, I will encourage you to stay in the Word and be obedient to the “next” thing God has for you. He is faithful ALL the time. Keep looking up. I’m praying for all of your family!
Thank you so much for the compliment, and the amazing advice! I’ve made a commitment to doing my devotions EVERY day throughout this time period especially. Thank you!
So sorry to hear about your mom! We are praying for her and all of your family
Thank you for the prayer!! We all feel it.
I’m so sorry to hear your mom and your family are going through this, I will be praying for y’all!
Thank you for praying. It’s powerful!!
Oh wow, what a powerful reminder. Thank you for this, God bless. <3
You are so very welcome. Glad it could encourage you.