I’ve been reading through Ecclesiastes over the past month and BOY has God been using it in my life!! Ecclesiastes is like Proverbs (makes sense because they’re both written by Solomon) but from a little bit more depressed point of view.
And yet I love the rawness of it. It reminds us that, nope, Bible people were not perfect. In fact, most of them were very not perfect.
But God used them.
It’s also cool to know that, 2000+ years later, we still struggle with the same basic problems. Because that means that God has helped other people and will help us.
In this week’s podcast episode, I talk through the first chapter of Ecclesiastes. There’s so much to unpack! I’d encourage you to read Ecclesiastes 1 really quickly before starting this episode, but it’s definitely not a requirement . . . I end up reading a lot of the passage out loud to you guys anyway.
Listen below, and make sure to follow on your favorite podcast platforms and gimme a rating and review.
For more content like this, check out:
- The Answer to Your Biggest Question (blog post)
- I’m an Idol Worshiper (blog post)
- The Purpose issue (OBO magazine)
“A lot of the stuff that we have or have done in light of eternity is going to be useless” this is SUCH a good point! It really makes me stop, step back, and take a good look at my life.
Aw yes, it’s SO eye-opening! Glad this impacted you, beloved!