This article (compiled by Allison Joiner, Hannah Davis, and Amanda Brown) is a sneak peek at the May/June issue of Oh Beloved One. Stay tuned! Preorders begin April 8, and magazines begin shipping in a couple weeks! Make sure you’re on our mailing list to get notified when the issue releases.
1. Worship is an expression of reverence and adoration.
2. You can do anything with a worshipful attitude.
3. It’s a feeling in the mundane and an expression in the unordinary.
as a feeling in the mundane, you can worship while . . .
- Washing the dishes
- Cleaning your room
- Organizing your closet
- Practicing what God has made you good at
- Reading
- Shopping online
- Doing laundry
- Making coffee
- Going on a road trip
- Thrifting
- Working at a camp
- Picking flowers
- Doing yard work
- Going on a missions trip
- Learning another language
- Tipping a waiter
- Doing school
- Roller skating
- Learning new skills
- Exercising
- Meeting deadlines
- Watching a performance
- Listening to music
- Being mindful about what you think about
- Learning from those around you
- Teaching others what you know
- Visiting older people in the church and asking them how they’ve seen God throughout their life
- Using social media to post about what God is teaching you
- Offering to babysit your pastor’s kids for free
- Sitting by that lady that normally sits alone at church
- Texting 3 friends a week and ask ing how you can be praying for them (then write it down and pray!)
- Cooking a meal for someone in your church that is in need
- When a friend comes to you and talks about her struggles, asking to pray with her right then
- Writing a note to each of your pastors thanking them for what they do
- Going hiking with friends and talking about detailed attributes of God that you can see while looking at your surroundings
- When you’re alone with God in prayer, lifting your hands in adoration
- Finding a spot at home or outside or wherever where you can sing alone and praise God
- Going out for a drive on backroads with some friends with the windows down while listening and singing along to music that praises God
- Thinking of how you can use a specific talent of yours in the church—like playing an instrument, taking pictures of events, leading a small group, crying with those hurting, writing a song, teaching a children’s class, etc
as an expression in the unordinary, you can worship while . . .
- Kayaking while pouring your heart out to God
- Taking a nature walk to marvel at God’s creation
- Telling a friend how God convicted you
- Praying on your knees in your bedroom
- Waking up to watch the sunrise
- Writing “poetry” like David
- Playing through the hymnbook on your instrument
- Listing attributes of God
- Listening to Christian podcasts while driving or getting ready for the day
- Using your creativity to help others solve problems
- Starting a garden
- Planning a Bible study
we also worship God while actively obeying His commands. this may look like . . .
- Loving others
- Serving others
- Taking care of others
- Growing in biblical knowledge/wisdom
- Choosing to not fear
- Remembering what God has done for you
- Sowing eternal benefits
- Denying yourself of pleasure for someone else’s benefit
- Loving others
- Serving others
- Taking care of others
- Growing in biblical knowledge/wisdom
- Choosing to not fear
- Remembering what God has done for you
- Sowing eternal benefits
- Denying yourself of pleasure for someone else’s benefit
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! I have never thought of it like that, and have been trying to come up with more ways to worship during this time where we can’t meet together, and this is so helpful!
Awww I’m so glad! It was fun to brainstorm these. They’ll all be in our upcoming Worship issue!