Still: A five-week devotional on cultivating intentional silence
We live in such a loud world. There’s always something we could be watching, doing, clicking on, or scrolling through.
We are scared of the silence.
And maybe that’s why we’re all just so tired.
This is your invitation to embrace the silence. To close your eyes and just feel the Spirit of God. To be okay with your inner dialogue that scares you at night.
This is your invitation to be STILL.
BROKEN: A 30 Day Guide for the Girl with the Broken Heart by Amanda Brown
There’s a quote that says that if someone were to choose having their heart broken over being shot, they’ve obviously never had a broken heart.
Your story hasn’t ended. Whatever your journey looks like, I want to remind you that you are beloved, dear one. There is hope. And I hope that reading this book brings you 30 steps closer to truly being able to say that you are okay.
LOW by Amanda Brown
One in eight American women will suffer from depression. THAT’S HUGE. Whether you have had dealings with depression, or you are just feeling a little down in the dumps, this free e-book is a resource every Christian girl should read.
Ice Cream Devos
- 46 pages
- 6×9 inches
- 7 devos
- links to downloadable posters
- worry remover worksheet & spiritual stagnancy checkup!
These sweet reminders for the soul are short devos designed to grow you in your walk with God on days you don’t have a ton of time. With lines for contemplation and worksheets for later, this bite-size book is a must-have for the on-the-go girl who loves ice cream and her God.

Worship Day Guide
A printable prompt sheet for a day of worship!

Devo Day Guide
A printable prompt sheet for a day of devotions!

August Verse Memorization Chart

Pray Day Guide
A printable prompt sheet for a day of prayer!

Blank Pray Day Guide
A guide to studying out the word “bless” as it appears in the Bible.

July Verse Memorization Chart

Word study: Cling
A guide to studying out the word “cling” as it appears in the Bible.

Word study: Bless
A guide to studying out the word “bless” as it appears in the Bible.

+ Prayer
A list of practical tips that will help you add prayer to your life.

An inventory of bad things and good things, with room to change your thinking about the “bad things.”

Burnout List
Make columns of areas of burnout (failing a class, losing a friend, etc.), lies you’re believing because of that burnout, and verses/Bible truths to combat those lies.

Pray Until Something Happens
Write down your prayer request and color in a circle every time you pray. Your goal? Thirty days straight!! Keep scrolling to download the aid.

Praying Col 1:4-9
Don’t know how to pray specifically for your friends? Use this verse and the helpful tips on this printout for a week of prayer.

Pray Until Something Happens Aid
A guide that goes along with our Pray Until Something Happens printable. Explains the verses and daily prompts.

The O.K. Mantra
A list of statements to tell yourself until you believe again. Because, beloved: you’re gonna be okay. (For use after a broken heart)